
Adolf Schmidt Metallwaren- und Holzschraubenfabrik GmbH
Essener Straße 39 42327 Wuppertal Telefon 02 02-69518-0 Telefax 02 02-69518-20
We manufacture all of our products here in Germany, and guarantee through above-average quality controls
the highest possible product quality and quickest delivery.

Swivelable Kitchen and Bathroom Sink Aerators

Swivelable Kitchen and Bathroom Sink Aerators
Adjustable from a pleasing bubble stream to a powerful cleaning jet stream. The swivel area is a full 360°.
Substantial water savings compared with existing water aerators. The special composition of materials
in WasserFix® makes it less susceptible to quick calcification.

Brass-Jointed Head- Chrome Adjusting Grip
loose/bulk- Art. Nr.: 1-401
30 pcs. in display carton -Art. Nr.: 2-401
skin-packed with "Euroloch"-
Art. Nr.: 3-401
Brass-Jointed Head - Chrome Adjusting Grip- with Water-Saving Insert
loose/bulk- Art.Nr.: 1-401S
30 pcs. in display carton -Art.Nr.: 2-401S
skin-packed with "Euroloch"-
Art. Nr.: 3-401S

Synthetic Head-Joint - Black with Chrome Adjusting Grip
loose/bulk- Art. Nr.: 1-401P
30 pcs. in display carton -
Art. Nr.: 2-401P
skin-packed with "Euroloch"-
Art. Nr.: 3-401P

Synthetic Head-Joint White with White
Adjusting Grip
loose/bulk- Art. Nr.: 1-461PW
30 pcs. in display carton -
Art. Nr.: 2-461PW
skin-packed with "Euroloch"
Art.Nr.: 3-461PW

Synthetic Head-Joint White with
Chrome Grip
loose/bulk-Art. Nr.: 1-461PWC30 pcs. in display carton -
Art. Nr.: 2-461PWC
skin-packed with "Euroloch"-
Art.Nr.: 3-461PWC

Double-Headed Synthetic Joint - White with Chrome Adjusting Grip
loose/bulk- Art.Nr.: 1-402PWC 30 pcs. in display carton -
Art. Nr.: 2-402PWC
skin-packed with "Euroloch" -
Art. Nr.: 3-402PWC
Double-Headed Synthetic Joint - Black with Chrome Adjusting Grip
loose/bulk- Art. Nr.: 1-402P
30 pcs. in display carton -
Art. Nr.: 2-402P
skin-packed with "Euroloch" -
Art. Nr.: 3-402P


With White Joint-Link, Chrome Adjusting-Grip and Short Adapter for Water Faucets without Threading
loose/bulk-Art. Nr.: 1-490
30 pcs. in display carton
Art. Nr.: 2-490
skin-packed with "Euroloch"-
Art. Nr.: 3-490

With White Joint-Link, White Adjusting-Grip and Short Adapter for Water Faucets without Threading
loose/bulk-Art. Nr.: 1-491
30 pcs. in display carton-
Art. Nr.: 2-491
skin-packed with "Euroloch"-
Art. Nr.: 3-491

Cleaning of WasserFix® is very easy. Should there be any calcium build-up on WasserFix®, simply place it in a light vinegar solution to de-calcify. Sand or dirt particles from your water line will be filtered out by the fine built-in sieve of WasserFix®, which can easily be removed for cleaning under flowing water from your tap.
